Exploring floristic diversity in the Afrotropics

This week a new publication on the floristic diversity in the afrotropics, co-autored by Yannick, has been published in BMC Biology using the RAINBIO database. In this paper, spatial variation in floristic diversity and data collection is shown. Furthermore, it also shows the difficulties arising with quantifying diversity patterns using data gathered from different sources, with herbaria specimens being the main data source. More botanical exploration is needed to fill important gaps in our knowledge regarding afrotropical plant communities. However, the data presented already gives a good backbone for more sustainable management and improved conservation practices of Africa’s rich and unique flora. The paper has already received positive commentary in BMC Biology by one of the editorial board members (Magurran 2017) and has been the focus of a blogpost on the BMC Biology webpage.

The Afrotromontane forest canopy at Mann Spring, Mt. Cameroon. © Š. Janeček

Full citation: Sosef, M.S.M., Dauby, G., Blach-Overgaard, A., van der Burgt, X., Catarino, L., Damen, T., Deblauwe, V., Dessein, S., Dransfield, J., Droissart, V., Duarte, M.C., Engledow, H., Fadeur, G., Figueira, R., Gereau, R.E., Hardy, O.J., Harris, D.J., de Heij, J., Janssens, S., Klomberg, Y., Ley, A.C., Mackinder, B.A., Meerts, P., van de Poel, J.L., Sonké, B., Stévart, T., Stoffelen, P., Svenning, J-C., Sepulchre, P., Zaiss, R., Wieringa, J.J.,  and Couvreur, T.L.P. (2017) Exploring the floristic diversity of tropical Africa. BMC Biology 15:15