Fruit-feeding butterflies and moths

In Mount Cameroon, bait trapping is one of the main methodological approaches. As we are sometimes exposing 180 traps baited in the same time we consider our sampling as the most intensive ever. At the moment, we are finishing the complete dataset from the lower elevations of the mountain. Vincent with the help of Sylvain and Pavel are now dissecting the last individuals of the captured moths (altogether more than 5,700 specimens!). Our close collaborator, Szabolcs Safian, has recently finished identification of the last specimens of fruit-feeding butterflies in the collections of the Zoological museum of the Krakow University (altogether more than 12,000 specimens!). We are looking forward to start with the first analyses of the datasets!

Sylvain and Vincent during identification of the last moths

Sylvain and Vincent during identification of the last moths