Insect Communities

New grants for our research!

Today, the successful applications for the Czech Science Foundation grants have been announced. Our group is involved in three new projects! Stepan got a new project on revealing more details of pollination by birds on Mount Cameroon. Rob is a co-investigator of a project led by Dr. David Boukal focusing on communities of polluted freshwater reservoirs in post-industrial sites. And finally, Robert and Sylvain will be members of the team led by prof. Petr Pyšek and prof. David Storch studying dynamics of south African savannas in the Kruger National Park. Challenge accepted! 😉

We will be looking for new members to work on the projects very soon! The call for three new PhD students and one post-doc will be announced by tomorrow. Undergraduate students and Erasmus interns are welcome anytime! If interested, check our “Join us” page.