In the second publication based on results of Filip Tichanek’s master thesis, we focus on spatial ecology of threatened damselfly Coenagrion ornatum in the drainage ditches of the Radovesická spoil heap. By re-capturing of previously marked individuals, we showed the extreme sedentarity of this species – in average it disperses only slightly more than 10 m during its entire life. This is a crucial knowledge for planning of any management possibly influencing its habitats. Simultaneously, we proved that whilst females stay in habitats of larval development, males often occur also in places insuitable for the species’ breeding. This has to be considered in monitoring of this Natura 2000 species (and possibly also other related damselflies), because not distinguishing of adults’ sex can misidentify its suitable and unsuitable habitats. It can have fatal influence on its local populations.
Full citation: Tichanek F., Tropek R. (2016) Sex-specific spatial patterns in the threatened damselfly Coenagrion ornatum: implications for the species’ conservation and monitoring. Journal of Insect Conservation.