Scandinavian Association for Pollination Ecology Conference

Robert, Yannick and Stepan (together with our close collaborators Petra Janečková, Jana Jersáková and Michael Bartoš) attended the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Association of Pollination Ecologists (SCAPE) held from Thursday 18 – Sunday 21 October 2018, in the beautiful Avon Ri Lakeshore Resort, Wicklow, Ireland. We have presented our fresh dataset from the upper elevations of Mount Cameroon: Rob introduced pollination networks, while Yannick focused on the role of floral traits in the interactions of plants and pollinators. The whole meeting had a very nice and friendly atmosphere and we are really glad to get into the international pollination community. We really enjoyed the conference with a lot of interesting talks, discussions, Irish beer and even Irish dancing.

Yannick presenting at SCAPE 2018. © J. Ollerton