Jiří Hodeček, Ph.D.

born 6th March 1986 in Havirov, Czech Republic


Faculty of Science, University of Ostrava, Czechia
2008: BSc. in Systematic Biology and Ecology, 2010: MSc. in Systematic Biology and Ecology, 2016: Ph.D. in Biology
2015: RNDr. in Ecology, Department of Ecology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia


since 2018: Faculty of Science, Charles University – research assistant
2017-2018: Sphingidae museum – curator
2013-2017: University of Ostrava – researcher
2012-2013: Ecological Consulting, a.s. – entomological monitoring

Research and study experience

2009, 2013 – Peru: entomological expeditions
2014, 2015 – Brunei: internship and research at the University of Brunei Darussalam
2016, 2017, 2018 – French Guiana: expedition to track the biggest beetle Titanus giganteus


SCI journals
Hodecek J, Kuras T, Sipos J, Dolny A (2015). Post-industrial areas as successional habitats: Long-term changes of functional diversity in beetle communities. Basic Appl Ecol, 16: 629-640.
Hodecek J, Kuras T, Sipos J, Dolny A (2016). Role of reclamation in the formation of functional structure of beetle communities: A different approach to restoration. Ecol Eng, 94: 537-544.
Sipos J, Hodecek J, Kuras T, Dolny A (2017). Principal determinants of species and functional diversity of carabid beetle assemblages during succession at post-industrial sites. B Entomol Res, 107: 466-477.

non-SCI journals
Hodecek J, Kuras T (2015). Vzacni brouci na ostravskych haldach – maji rekultivace odvalu vubec smysl? / Rare Beetles on Ostrava Spoil Heaps – Is There any Point to Reclamation of Dumps? Ziva, 1: 32-34.