To Mt. Cameroon in rain season!(?)

Packing bags in front of our office.

This week, some members of our group and a few our collaborators left for another expedition to Mt. Cameroon. Firstly, Yannick, Štěpán Janeček and our treeclimber Pavel Kratochvíl left on Monday. Pavel Potocký, Zuzka Sejfová and Jiří Mlíkovský has joined them today early morning. They should spend the next six weeks by researching pollination networks inthe rainy season. Mt. Cameroon belongs to one of the rainiest places in the world and Štěpán is most probably the only person in the world who already led a successful scientific expedition to the mountain in rains. His results were really interesting, check here and here. Hopefully, our guys will bring some interesting data (or at least some data) again. Good luck in the rain!