Yannick at the European Conference of Tropical Ecology

Yannick during his presentation © Julie Desmist

From 26th till 29th March, Yannick attended the European Conference of Tropical Ecology in Paris, France. During this scientific meeting, he gave a talk on the role of seasonality in shaping the pollination networks in the montane forests of Mount Cameroon, as well as in the validity of the pollination syndrome hypothesis. Additionally, he also presented a poster showing some new results from our case study on pollination system of Hypoxis camerooniana.  

Both the talk and poster were well received and during fruitful discussions after the session we have gotten useful comments on how to move forward with our data analyses. After the conference, Yannick spend a day visiting the incredible collections of the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris. Looking back it has been a successful conference and visit to Paris!