Vincent Maicher has defended his thesis just a few months ago. We are very glad he found his first postdoctoral position almost immediately. From February, he will start working in the Poulsen Ecology Lab at the Duke University in North…
New publication on seasonal shifts of lepidopterans along elevation
Recently, our new study on biodiversity patterns of butterflies and moths along the elevational gradient of Mount Cameroon has been published in the Journal of Biogeography. On the huge dataset of almost 1,200 species of lepidopterans sampled at three seasons…
Expedition to montane grasslands of Mt. Cameroon
We have just climbed down from Mount Cameroon. Kobe, Dominik, Stepan, Petra and Rob (together with our priceless Cameroonian assistants) have spent the last four weeks in Afromontane grasslands on Mount Cameroon. We have finally broadened our scope above the…
Conference of the Czech Ecological Society
Several members of our groups have attended a biennial meeting of the Czech Society for Ecology – Ekologie 2019. Besides active presentation of our research (Yannick, Jan and Rob gave oral presentations, whereas Pája, Antigone, Kája, Sylvain, Sentiko and Honza…
Research of moths after forest fires
Pavla continues with the sampling of data on diversity of moths in previously burnt and undisturbed forests for her master thesis. This year, she samples at the beautiful sandstone landscape of Bohemian Switzerland NP, in northwestern Czech Republic. With the…
The first defended Ph.D. in our group!
Yesterday, Vincent Maicher has successfuly defended his doctoral thesis entitled “Biodiversity patterns of butterflies and moths on Mount Cameroon”. Vincent spent the last five years by studying biodiversity of Cameroonian moths and butterflies from various points of view. It comprised…
Newly described skipper from Mount Cameroon
Biodiversity of Mount Cameroon is still rather poorly known. We know pretty well as we are constantly meeting unknown species of butterflies and moths. In such cases, we are doing our best to change it and to scientifically describe such…
Pollination Summer School
In the last week, Rob has participated on organisation of the German-Czech Summer School, together with Tiffany Knight and Demetra Rakosy from the Helmhotz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig, and with Jana Jersáková from the University of South Bohemia, České…
Lucas has defended his master thesis!
Last week, Lucas Brisson has defended at the University of Poitiers his ‘major master project’ (alternative of our MSc thesis) which was fully done during his Erasmus practical traineeship in our group. Lucas spent with us the last six months during which…
New publication on Leptotes butterflies
Rob has co-authored a study of phylogeny and biogeography of Leptotes butterflies which has recently been published in the respected entomological journal Systematic Entomology. Our analyses, also based on the butterflies collected in Cameroon, tracked the origin and biogeographic history…