Štěpán Janeček – Publications

Citations in Google Scholar

Klimešová J, Janeček Š, Bartušková A, Bartoš M, Altman J, Doležal J, Lanta V, Latzel V (2017) Is scaling relationship between carbohydrate storage and leaf  biomass in meadow plants affected by disturbance regime? Annals of Botany, in press.

Vlašánková A, Padyšáková E, Bartoš M, Mengual X, Janečková P, Janeček Š (2017) The nectar spur is not only a simple specialization for long-proboscid pollinators. New Phytologist 215: 1574-1581.

Zanata TB, Dalsgaard B, Passos FC, Cotton PA, Roper JJ, Maruyama PK, Fischer E, Schleuning M, Gonzalez AMM, Vizentin-Bugoni J, Franklin DC, Abrahamczyk S, Alarcon R, Araujo AC, Araujo FP, de. Azevedo-Junior SM, Baquero AC, Bohning-Gaese K, Carstensen DW, Chupil H, Coelho AG, Faria RR, Hořák D, Ingversen TT, Janeček Š, Kohler G, Lara C, Las-Casas FMG, Lopes AV, Machado AO, Machado CG, Machado IC, Maglianesi MA, Malucelli TS, Azlan JM, Moura AC, Oliveira GM, Oliveira PE, Ornelas JF, Riegert J, Rodrigues LC, Rosero-Lasprilla L, Rui AM, Sazima M, Schmid N, Sedláček O, Timmermann A, Vollstädt MGR, Wang Z, Watts S, Rahbek C & Varassin IG. (2017) Global patterns of interaction specialization in bird-flower networks. Journal of Biogeography 44: 1891-1910.

Martens JEJ, Tropek R, Dzekashu FF, Maicher V, Fokam EB, Janeček Š. (2017) Communities of flower visitors of Uvariopsis dioica (Annonaceae) in lowland forests of Mt. Cameroon, with notes on its potential pollinators. African Journal of Ecology doi: 10.1111/aje.12429.

Padyšáková E, Okrouhlík J, Brown M, Bartoš M, Janeček Š. (2017) Asymmetric competition for nectar between a large nectar thief and a small pollinator: an energetic point of view. Oecologia 183: 1111-1120.

Janečková P, Janeček Š, Klimešová J, Götzenberger L, Horník J, Lepš J, de Bello F. (2017) The plant functional traits that explain species occurrence across fragmented grasslands differ according to patch management, isolation, and wetness. Landscape Ecology 32: 791-805.

Padyšáková E, Janeček Š. (2016) Sunbird hovering behavior is determined by both the foragers and resource plant. Biotropica 48: 687-693.

Maicher V, Sáfián S, Ishmeal KN, Murkwe M, Kimbeng TJ, Janeček Š, Tropek R. (2016) Two genera and nineteen species of fruit-feeding erebid moths (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) recorded in Cameroon for the first time. Entomological News 126: 64-70.

Volf M, Redmond C, Albert AJ, Le Bagousse-Pinguet Y, Biella P, Götzenberger L, Hrázský Z, Janeček Š, Klimešová J, Lepš J, Šebelíková L, Vlasatá T, de Bello F. (2016) Effects of long- and short-term management on the functional structure of meadows through species turnover and intraspecific trait variability. Oecologia 180: 941-950.

Májeková M, Janeček Š, Mudrák O, Horník J, Janečková P, Bartoš M, Fajmon K, Jiráská Š, Götzenberger L, Šmilauer P, Lepš J, de Bello F (2016) Consistent functional response of meadow species and communities to land-use changes across productivity and soil moisture gradients. Applied Vegetation Science 19: 196-205.

Mudrák O, Janeček Š, Götzenberger L, Mason NWH, Horník J, de Castro I, Doležal J, Klimešová J, de Bello F. (2016) Fine-scale coexistence patterns along a productivity gradient in wet meadows: shifts from trait convergence to divergence. Ecography 39: 338-348.

Janeček Š, Bartušková A, Bartoš M, Altman J, de Bello F, Doležal J, Latzel V, Lepš J, Klimešová J. (2015) Effect of disturbance regime on carbohydrate reserves in meadow plants. AoB Plants 7, plv123

Bartušková A, Doležal J, Janeček Š, Lanta V, Klimešová J. (2015) Changes in biomass allocation in species rich meadow after abandonment: Ecological strategy or allometry? Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 17: 379-397.

Bartoš M, Tropek R, Spitzer L, Padyšáková E, Janšta P, Straka J, Tkoč M, Janeček Š. (2015) Specialization of pollination systems of two co-flowering phenotypically generalized Hypericum species (Hypericaceae) in Cameroon. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 9: 241-252.

Janeček Š, Bartoš M, Njambo KY. (2015) Convergent evolution of sunbird pollination systems of Impatiens species in tropical Africa and hummingbird systems of the New World. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 115: 127-133.

Bartoš M, Janeček Š. (2014) Polinator-induced twisting of flowers sidesteps floral architecture constraints. Current Biology 24: R793-R795

Janeček Š, Klimešová J.  (2014) Carbohydrate storage in meadow plants and its depletion after disturbance: Do roots and stem-derived organs differ in their roles? Oecologia 175: 51-61

Janeček Š, Patáčová E, Klimešová J.  (2014) Effects of fertilization and competition on plant biomass allocation and internal resources: does Plantago lanceolata follow the rules of economic theory? Folia Geobotanica 49: 49-64

Latzel V, Janeček Š, Hájek T, Klimešová J. (2014) Biomass and stored carbohydrate compensation after above-ground biomass removal in a perennial herb: does environmental productivity play a role? Folia Geobotanica doi: 10.1007/s12224-013-9162-4

Chlumská Z, Janeček Š, Doležal J. (2014) How to preserve plant samples for carbohydrate analysis? Test of suitable methods applicable in remote areas. Folia Geobotanica doi: 10.1007/s12224-013-9153-5

Carbony M, de Bello F, Janeček Š, Doležal J, Horník J, Lepš J, Reitalu T, Klimešová J. (2014) Changes in trait divergence and convergence along a productivity gradient in wet meadows. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 182: 96-105

Latzel V, Janeček Š, Doležal J, Klimešová J, Bassdorf O. (2014) Adaptive transgenerational plasticity in the perennial Plantago lanceolata. Oikos 123: 41-46

Tropek R, Bartoš M, Padyšáková E, Janeček Š. (2013) Interference Competition Between Sunbirds and Carpenter Bees for the Nectar of Hypoestes aristata. African Zoology 48: 392-394

Padyšáková E, Bartoš M, Tropek R, Janeček Š. (2013) Generalization versus specialization in pollination systems: Visitors, thieves, and pollinators of Hypoestes aristata (Acanthaceae). PLoS ONE 8(4): e59299. doi: 10.1371/journale.pone.0059299.

Janeček Š, de Bello F, Horník J, Bartoš M, Černý T, Doležal J, Dvorský M, Fajmon K, Janečková P, Jiráská Š, Mudrák O, Klimešová J. 2013. Effects of land-use changes on plant functional and taxonomic diversity along a productivity gradient in wet meadows. Journal of Vegetation Science 24: 898-909.

Černý T, Doležal J, Janeček Š, Šrůtek M, Petřik P, Valachovič M, Altman J, Bartoš M, Song J-S. (2013) Environmental correlates of plant diversity in Korean temperate forests. Acta Oecologica 47: 37-45.

Horník J., Janeček Š., Klimešová J., Doležal J., Janečková P., Jiráská Š., Lanta V. (2012) Species-area curves revised: the effects of model choise on parameter sensitivity to environmental, community, and individual plant characteristics. Plant Ecology 213: 1675-1686.

de Bello, F., Janeček, Š., Lepš, J., Doležal, J., Macková, J., Lanta, V., Klimešová, J. (2012) Different plant trait scaling in dry versus wet Central European meadows. Journal of Vegetation Science 23: 709-720.

Janeček Š., Riegert J., Bartoš M., Hořák D., Reif J., Padyšáková E., Fainová D., Antczak M., Pešata M., Mikeš V., Patáčová E., Altman J., Kantorová J., Hrázský Z., Bróm J., Doležal J. (2012) Food selection by avian floral visitors: an important aspect of plant-flower interactions in West Africa. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 107: 355-367.

Doležal J., Altman J., Kopecký M., Černý T., Janeček Š., Bartoš M., Petřík P., Šrůtek M., Lepš J., Song JS. (2012) Plant diversity changes during the postglacial in East Asia: Insights from forest refugia on Halla volcano, Jeju Island. PLoS ONE 7: e33065. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0033065

Bartoš M., Janeček Š., Padyšáková E., Patáčová E., Altman J., Pešata M., Kantorová J., Tropek R. (2012) Nectar properties of the sunbird-pollinated plant Impatiens sakeriana: A comparison with six other co-flowering species. South African Journal of Botany 78: 63-74.

Janeček Š., Lanta V., Klimešová J., Doležal J. (2011) Effect of abandonment and plant classification on carbohydrate reserves of meadow plants. Plant Biology 13: 243-251.

Lanta V., Klimešová J., Martincová K., Janeček Š., Doležal J., Rosenthal J., Lepš J., Klimeš L. (2011) A test of explanatory power of plant functional traits on the individual and population levels. Perspectives in Plant Ecology and Systematics 13: 189-199.

de Bello F., Lavorel S., Albert Ch., Thuiller W., Grigulis K., Doležal J., Janeček Š., Lepš J. (2011) Quantifying the relevance of intraspecific trait variability for functional diversity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2: 163-174.

Bartoš M., Janeček Š., Klimešová J. (2011) Effect of mowing and fertilization on biomass and carbohydrate reserves of Molinia caerulea at two organizational levels. Acta Oecologica  37: 299-306.

Janeček Š., Patáčová E., Bartoš M. Padyšáková E., Spitzer L., Tropek R. (2011). Hovering sunbirds in the Old World: occasional behaviour or evolutionary trend? Oikos 120: 178–183.

Klimešová J., Janeček Š., Horník J., Doležal J. (2011) Effect of the method of assessing and weighting abundance on the interpretation of the relationship between plant clonal traits and meadow management. Preslia 83: 437-453

Klimešová J., Janeček Š., Bartušková A., Lanta V., Doležal J.(2010). How is regeneration of plant after mowing affected by shoot size in two species-rich meadows with different water supply? Folia Geobotanica 45: 225-238.

Doležal J., Song J.S., Altman J., Janeček Š., Černý T., Šrůtek M., Kolbek J. (2009). Tree growth and competition in post-logging Quercus Mongolova forest on Mt. Sobaek, South Korea. Ecological Research 24: 281-290.

Janeček Š., Kantorová J., Bartoš M., Klimešová J., (2008). Integration in the clonal plant Eriophorum angustifolium: an experiment with a three-member-clonal system in a patchy environment. Evolutionary Ecology 22: 325-336.

 Lanta V., Janeček Š. , Doležal J. (2008). Radial clonal growth of Eriophorum angustifolium in an abandoned mined peatland Soumarský most (Šumava Mts., Czech Republic) Annales Botanici Fennici 45: 44-54.

Reif J., Sedláček O., Hořák D., Riegert J., Pešata M., Hrázský Z., Janeček Š. (2007). Habitat preferences of birds in a montane forest mosaic in the Bamenda Highlands, Cameroon. Ostrich 78: 31-36.

Janeček Š., Janečková P., Lepš J. (2007). Effect of competition and soil quality on root topology of the perennial grass Molinia caeruleaPreslia 79: 23-32.

Janeček Š., Hrázský Z., Bartoš M., Brom J., Reif J., Hořák D., Bystřická D., Riegert J., Sedláček O., Pešata M. (2007). Importance of big pollinators for the reproduction of two Hypericum species in Cameroon, West Africa. African Journal of Ecology 45: 607-613.

Reif J., Hořák D., Sedláček O., Riegert J., Pešata M., Hrázský Z., Janeček Š., Štorch D. (2006). Unusual abundance-range size relationship in an Afromontane bird community: the effect of geographic isolation? Journal of Biogeography 33: 1959-1968.

Janeček Š., Lepš J. (2005). Effects of litter, leaf cover and cover of basal internodes of dominant species Molinia caerulea on seedling recruitment and established vegetation. Acta Oecologica 28: 141-147.

Janeček Š., Janečková P., Lepš J. (2004) Influence of soil heterogeneity and competition on growth features of three meadow species. Flora 199: 3-11.