Yannick Klomberg, Ph.D.

Born 13th of June 1988 in Nijmegen, The Netherlands


2008: BTech. in Nature Conservation, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, George, South Africa.
2010: Ba in Forest and Nature Management, specialization Tropical Forestry, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, Velp, The Netherlands
2012: MSc. in Forest and Nature Conservation, specialization management, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands
2016-2021: Ph.D. studies in Ecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. Thesis: The role of plant functional traits in the organization of plant-pollinator interactions.


2013-2016: Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Project employee Botanical database management, Wageningen and Leiden, The Netherlands.
2015: Biodiversity Data Capture on West African Plants Initiative, Consultant and trainer at the international workshop held at the National Herbarium of Cameroon, Cameroon.
2016-2021: Ph.D. studies in Ecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. Thesis: The role of plant functional traits in the organization of plant-pollinator interactions.
Since 2021: Research assistant, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Czech Republic

Research and study experience

2009-2010: The Jane Goodall Institute, Tanzania, bachelor thesis: Fuel wood consumption in the TACARE villages, Kigoma region Tanzania; How can we make it more sustainable?
2011-2012: Wageningen University, The Netherlands, master thesis: The effects of Amazonian Dark Earths on the Composition, Diversity and Density of understory herbs, ferns and palms in a Bolivian tropical forest.
2012: Staatsbosbeheer (State Forestry Service), The Netherlands, internship.
2014: ESRI Rwanda, GIS consultancy (intern, 2 months).
2015: The Jane Goodall Institute Congo, Interim head of Mandrill research, Pointe Noire, Republic of Congo (voluntary work, 1 month).
Since 2016: Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Honorary research associate at the department of Botany


2017-2019 – The importance of seasonality in shaping plant-pollinator networks in tropical montane forest, Grant Agency of the Charles University, principal investigator.
2018-2019 – Foraging behaviour and flight kinematics of Cyanomitra oritis, Grant Agency of the Charles University, research team member (PI: Zuzana Sejfová).


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