Progress in processing of Cameroonian moths

sylvain_staring_mothsLast week, Sylvain and Vincent visited the collaborating Zoological museum of Jagellonian University in Krakow, Poland. They have carried on sorting and identifying the moths collected at lower elevations of Mt. Cameroon during our expeditions. Simultaneously, they have visited Dr. Lukasz Przybylowicz at the Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals, Polish Academy of Sciences who is processing Arctiins from our material. The new findings are more and more interesting as we are getting deeper into the local moth communities. During the visit, they have sorted more than 1,000 specimens (mainly Lasiocampidae and Notodontidae). As highly expected, they detected a few species never recorded in Cameroon. Moreover, they have identified several new species very probably unknown for science, they will be working on their description, together with other specialists.